Continuation of the NanoMag project
This is not the end! Parts of the NanoMag consortium will continue working together within the Euramet EMPIR project MagNaStand.
More information on this project may be find here.
Final M48 project meeting and Final Dissemination conference
The Final M48 project meeting was held in Gothenburg, Sweden on the 25th of September.

This meeting was followed by the Final Dissemination conference on the 25th-26th of September, hosted by RISE Acreo. During this conference NanoMag partners actively participated as well as representatives from the NanoMag stakeholder committee and extrnal invited participants, resulting in a total of 52 attendees.

During the meeting the NanoMag project as a whole was presented during three sessions; Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. All NanoMag partners were presenting, focusing on main results, lessons learned and benefits from the project, having standardization as the red thread. For each session, one stakeholder was invited to present their work in relation to the NanoMag project and standardization. Furthermore, scientific posters were showcased during coffeebreaks.
Thanks to all participants for a nice conference and a very nice end to the project!
NanoMag M42 Project Meeting
The NanoMag M42 Project Meeting was held in Lübeck, Germany on the 4-5th of May hosted by UZL. All NanoMag partners was well represented with a total of 32 attendees. Thanks to all participants and to the organizers for a nice meeting!

Second NanoMag Stakeholder Meeting and M36 Project Meeting
The second NanoMag Stakeholder Committee Meeting took place at SP in Stockholm, Sweden, on the 24th of October. In total 11 of the associated stakeholders attended to the meeting.
The following two days, 25-26th October, were dedicated to the M36 Project Meeting that was held at the same place and very well organized by SP. The meeting had 54 representatives from the consortium partners.
Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed!

Second NanoMag Stakeholder Committee Meeting at SP in Stockholm, Sweden.

NanoMag M36 Project meeting at SP in Stockholm, Sweden.
Results from NanoMag Survey #3 and #4
Results from the third and fourth NanoMag surveys are now availabe.
The third survey focused on standardisation and we got 97 responses (65 were complete). A summary of the third survey can be downloaded here.
The fourth, and final, NanoMag survey looked at applications of MNPs and whether available particles limit performance of these applications. We got 38 responses and 28 of these were complete. A summary of the results can be found here.
NanoMag M30 Project Meeting
On the 18th to 20th of April the Nanomag M30 project meeting was held at DTU in Lyngby, just north of Kopenhagen. In total 39 representatives from all partners attended to the meeting. Also the second project review meeting (RV2) was held during these days. The European Commission was represented with Keith Dingwall, our Project Technical Adviser.
Thanks to all of you who participated and contributed with presentations and a lot of interesting discussions! A special thanks to our friends at DTU for hosting this very nice meeting!

E-Learning course now available online

The e-learning course on magnetic nanoparticles and biomedical applications are now available online (hosted by NPL): Magnetic Nanoparticles: Standardisation and Biomedical Applications
This course aims to:
Develop awareness of the pros and cons deriving from the use of MNPs, in order to sustain an informed opinion on this topic.
Emphasise the benefits deriving from the standardisation and improvement in analysis methods of magnetic nanoparticles
Provide the foundation to enable further study in this field
Two of modules are available now and more will come soon:
Module 1: Introduction to Magnetic Nanoparticles
Module 2: Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Module 3: Characterisation of Magnetic Nanoparticles (coming soon)
Module 4: Relevance of Standardised Analysis Methods of Magnetic Nanoparticles (coming soon)
The course has been created as a part of the NanoMag project.
NanoMag M24 Project Meeting
The NanoMag M24 Project meeting was held on the 5th to the 6th of November in Santander in the northern Spain. The meeting was successfully hosted by the University of Cantabria. In total 38 representatives from almost all of the consortium partners attended the meeting. The European Commission was represented by our Project Technical Adviser, Keith Dingwall.
Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed and making this to another productive and very nice project meeting!

Third NanoMag survey is available
The third NanoMag survey is up and running. This time the survey is focusing on standardization techniques of MNPs based on the research performed within the NanoMag project. The results of this survey are the pivotal answers that will guide the NanoMag consortium in the second half of this four-year project.
Please feel free to participate!
NanoMag selected among the top 10 EU project in nanoscience
Through FutureFlash! Best Project competition, EuroNanoForum 2015 in Riga has identified and selected 10 very best of all the over 1 000 projects launched under the EU Funding Instruments in the field of nanotechnologies and advanced materials.
We are very proud to announce that NanoMag has been selected on this list and was showcased by Andrea Fornara from SP during the conference.
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