Final M48 project meeting and Final Dissemination conference
The Final M48 project meeting was held in Gothenburg, Sweden on the 25th of September.

This meeting was followed by the Final Dissemination conference on the 25th-26th of September, hosted by RISE Acreo. During this conference NanoMag partners actively participated as well as representatives from the NanoMag stakeholder committee and extrnal invited participants, resulting in a total of 52 attendees.

During the meeting the NanoMag project as a whole was presented during three sessions; Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. All NanoMag partners were presenting, focusing on main results, lessons learned and benefits from the project, having standardization as the red thread. For each session, one stakeholder was invited to present their work in relation to the NanoMag project and standardization. Furthermore, scientific posters were showcased during coffeebreaks.
Thanks to all participants for a nice conference and a very nice end to the project!